Learn English Parts of Speech
This course is designed to be simple to learn English for Chinese students.
This is the first of 10 articles that explain the parts of speech in English such as nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections and determiners.
Are there eight parts of speech or 9 parts of speech in English grammar?
On most websites there are 8 parts of speech but Asian students need to also learn articles like a, an and the because they are not in languages like Chinese and Thai.
Articles are part of the group called determiners, these are the ‘ninth’ part of speech.
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A noun gives a name to something.
- place – home, school
- person – girl or boy
- thing – pen, chair
- idea – love
- Places – home, school, park, Asia, China
- People – Alex, Mark, Sophie, Bob, Maria
- Things – road, table, chair, book, tree
- Ideas– love, fear, strength, power
- table
- chair
- board
- pen
- textbook
- teacher
- student
- shirt
- skirt
- trousers
- shoes
- socks
- dress
- pyjamas
- jeans
- jacket
- coat
- hat
- belt
- boots
- suit

- A verb is a word used to express an action, a feeling or a state of being
- She is riding a bike
- He kicks the ball
- We learn English

A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun
- I left early
- She was tired
- We can read it later
An adverb is a word used to add to the meaning of another word such as a verb, adjective or adverb.
- We can finish quickly
- She is very beautiful

An adjective is a word used to add meaning to a noun
- He is a happy person
- She is a thin girl
- There are two sisters in this class
size – texture – shape – time – size
- big
- small
- large
- huge
- little
- short
- tall
- tiny
- soft
- hard
- smooth
- rough
- slippery
- crunchy
- silky
- wooden
- circle
- square
- line
- round
- wide
- flat
- straight
- curved
- fast
- slow
- late
- old
- swift
- quick
- ancient
- new
- new
- old
- fast
- late
- slow
- quick
- ancient
- early
Adapted from: https://www.vedantu.com/english/big-and-small-adjectives

A preposition is a word used with a noun or pronoun. It shows how that noun/pronoun relates to something else.
- They are in the room
- She is fond of music

A determiner introduces or modifies a noun
- role of determiners
- articles
- definite and indefinite Articles

A conjunction is a word used to join words, parts of a sentence, or sentences.
- I sat at home and watched TV
- I was alone but that is fine

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parts of speech worksheets
Parts of speech categories all link to another web page, so feel free to browse and improve your English grammar.