Your Favorite Resources for Preparing for University

Favorite Resources for English
Basics of English that any potential student must know before studying at a higher level of education like university.
A good command of English that any potential student should know before studying at a higher level of education like university.
A level of English proficiency that is recommended for any potential student whilst studying at a higher level of education like university.
Types of Nouns
Coming soon:
- abstract noun
- plural noun
- common noun
- concrete noun
- what is a concrete noun
- concrete noun examples
Coming soon:
- singular noun
- plural nouns examples
- irregular plural nouns
- what is a compound noun
Coming soon:
- what is a possessive noun
- possessive nouns
- possessive nouns examples
- gerund phrase
- what is a gerund phrase
- gerund phrase examples
Types of Verbs
Types of Pronouns
Types of Prepositions
Types of Adjectives
Types of Adverbs
Coming soon:
- conjunctive adverb
- adverb list / list of adverbs
- ly adverbs
Types of Conjunctions
Types of Interjections
Types of Determiners
- articles with exercises
- demonstratives (this, that)
- cardinal numerals (one, two)
- possessive determiners (my, your, their)
- quantifiers (many, both)
- distributive determiners (each, every)
- interrogative determiners (which, what)
Digital SAT
- Reading SAT Text Textual Evidence
- Reading SAT Text Quantitative Evidence
- Reading SAT Text Transitions
- Reading SAT Text Words in Context
- Reading SAT Text Central Ideas
- Reading SAT Text Inferences
- Reading SAT Text Punctuation of Boundaries
- SAT Grammar Subject Verb Agreement
- SAT Grammar Pronoun Antecedent Agreement
- SAT Grammar Plurals and Possessives
- SAT Grammar Verb Form
- SAT Grammar Linking and Punctuating Clauses
- SAT Grammar End Punctuation with Supplements
- SAT Grammar Punctuation Rules