
Help with your AP CSP Exam Preparation

AP CSP Exam Preparation


These 15 to 20 minute courses include practice questions to help determine your strengths and weaknesses in the different areas of the AP Computer Science Principles course.


Watch the video help to improve areas you wish, and then complete the final set of questions to determine your level of knowledge in the area.


AP CSP Exam Preparation

In the AP Computer Science Principles Exam there are coding questions but there are also general questions about programming.

If you wish to learn some basics about programming and practice these type of questions the this course is for you!

csp programming logic
apcsp exam pseudocode on laptop

Coding with Pseudocode I

AP CSP Exam Preparation

In the AP Computer Science Principles exam the coding questions are in pseudocode.

We have split pseudocode into two courses, a simple introduction, this course, and a second course with the concepts of if statements, lists and loops.

Procedures are in the algorithms in procedure short course.

If you wish to learn some basics about pseudo code and want to practice these type of questions then this course is for you!

Programming Logic

AP CSP Exam Preparation

In the AP Computer Science Principles Exam there are questions about programming using conditions which as true or false, and logic questions using a mixture of Boolean values true and false, and logical operators and, or and not.

If you wish to learn programming logic and practice these type of questions the this course is for you!

csp programming
apcsp exam pseudocode on laptop

Coding with Pseudocode II

AP CSP Exam Preparation

The AP Computer Science Principles coding questions are in pseudo code, including if statements, lists and loops.

If you wish to practice these concepts in pseudo code and these type of questions then this course is for you!

Computer Science Principles Exam Preparation