Be Kind with Animal Friendly Idioms Sayings and Phrases

 Learn English and be kind to animals with alternative expressions in English that are kind to animals. Fun expressions with meanings and example sentences.

Alternative Animal Idioms with Meanings and Example Sentences

alternative animal phrases

List of Animal Friendly Idioms with Meanings and Example Sentences

original idiom, alternative phrase, definition, example sentence

Act like an animal, Act like a brute (PETA [2])

  • Behave in a bad and uncontrolled way.
  • He acted like a brute when he refused to share his toys with the other children.

All bark and no bite, All talk and no action

  • Someone who makes threats but doesn’t follow through with action.
  • Don’t worry about him; he’s all talk and no action.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,

An ace in the hand is worth two in the deck (PETA [2])

  • Having something now is better than the possibility of something better in the future.
  • I decided to take the job offer instead of waiting for a potential promotion elsewhere; after all, an ace in the hand is worth two in the deck.

A feather in your cap, A flower in your cap (PETA [2])

  • An achievement or honor to be proud of.
  • Winning the spelling competition was a flower in her cap for the young student.

A leopard can’t change its spots, A habit’s hard to break

  • People are unable to change their nature or behavior.
  • It seems like he’ll never learn to be on time; a habit’s hard to break.

A little bird told me, Word on the street is

  • Used when revealing the source of information is unnecessary or secret.
  • Word on the street is that you’re planning a surprise party for me.

Ants in your pants, Pepper in your pants (PETA [1])

  • Feeling restless or unable to sit still.
  • He couldn’t concentrate during the meeting because he had pepper in his pants.

Back the wrong horse, Back the wrong team (PETA [2])

  • Support the wrong person or idea.
  • I regret backing the wrong team in the championship; they didn’t stand a chance.

Bark up the wrong tree, Chase down the wrong lead (PETA [2])

  • To pursue the wrong course of action or investigation.
  • He was chasing down the wrong lead when he accused his neighbor of stealing his newspaper; the real culprit was the paperboy.

Bats in the belfry, Noodles in your noggin (PETA [2])

  • Eccentric or crazy behavior.
  • She’s acting like she has noodles in her noggin with all those strange ideas.

Be catty, Backbite

  • Make spiteful, unfriendly remarks about someone.
  • I don’t appreciate it when you backbite about our colleagues; it’s not professional.

Be the guinea pig, Be the test tube (PETA [1])

  • Be the first to try something new or experimental.
  • I don’t want to be the test tube for this new medication; I’d rather wait and see how others react to it first.

Beat a dead horse, Feed a fed horse (PETA [1])

  • Continue to pursue a wasteful effort.
  • There’s no point in trying to convince him to change his mind; it’s like feeding a fed horse.

Bee in your bonnet, Thorn in your side (PETA [2])

  • A persistent annoyance or obsession.
  • Ever since he lost the game, it’s been like a thorn in his side, bothering him constantly.

Bee’s knees, Best pajamas

  • Something excellent or outstanding.
  • That new movie everyone’s talking about is the best pajamas; you have to see it.

Big fish in a small pond, Big cheese in a small village

  • Someone important or influential in a small or limited environment.
  • He may be a big cheese in our small village, but in the city, he’s just another face in the crowd.

Bigger fish to fry, Bigger fish to free (PETA [2])

  • More important matters to attend to.
  • Let’s not waste time arguing about this trivial issue; we have bigger fish to free.

Bird brain, Pea brain (PETA [2])

  • Someone who is not very intelligent.
  • He’s such a pea brain; he can never remember where he left his keys.

Bird’s eye view, Aerial view

  • An overall perspective or understanding of a situation.
  • From the airplane, we had an amazing aerial view of the city below.

Black sheep, Odd one out

  • Someone who is different or deviant from the rest of their family or group.
  • In a family of doctors, he was always the odd one out, pursuing a career in art.

Blind as a bat, Blind as the eye of a potato (PETA [2])

  • Unable to see well.
  • Without his glasses, he’s as blind as the eye of a potato.

Bookworm, Knowledge sponge

  • Someone who enjoys reading and spends a lot of time doing so.
  • She’s always buried in books; she’s a real knowledge sponge.

Bring home the bacon, Bring home the bagels (PETA [1])

  • To earn a living or provide financial support for one’s family.
  • It’s my turn to bring home the bagels while my husband looks after the kids.

Build a better mousetrap, Build a better mouse pad (PETA [2])

  • To improve upon an existing idea or product.
  • Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, let’s focus on building a better mouse pad.

Bull in a China Shop, Tomato in a glass factory (PETA [2])

  • Someone who is clumsy or disruptive in a delicate or controlled environment.
  • He’s like a tomato in a glass factory whenever he’s in the kitchen; everything ends up broken.

Busy bee, Busy as a whirlwind

  • Someone who is very industrious or hardworking.
  • She’s always running around, busy as a whirlwind, getting things done.

Butterflies in your stomach, Jitters in your stomach

  • Feeling nervous or anxious.
  • Before going on stage, I always get jitters in my stomach; it’s nerve-wracking.

Camel’s nose in the tent, Foot in the door

  • Allowing a small, initial intrusion that could lead to a larger, more serious problem.
  • Don’t let her borrow money from you; it’s letting her get a foot in the door; soon she’ll want to borrow more and more.

(open a) Can of Worms, Open Pandora’s box

  • To create a complex or troublesome situation by taking action.
  • Don’t ask about the ex-boyfriend, you’ll open Pandora’s box of drama.

Can’t teach an old dog new tricks, Can’t teach an old clown new tricks (PETA [2])

  • It’s difficult to teach someone new skills or habits, especially if they are set in their ways.
  • Grandpa refuses to learn how to use a smartphone; I guess you can’t teach an old clown new tricks.

Cash cow, Moneymaker (PETA [2])

  • Something that consistently generates a lot of money.
  • Their latest product became a moneymaker for the company, bringing in millions in revenue.

Cat and mouse, Elusive chase

  • A situation where one party pursues another, often with the pursued party attempting to evade capture or detection.
  • The spy engaged in an elusive chase with the enemy agent, darting through alleyways and side streets to avoid being caught.

Cat burglar, Housebreaker

  • A burglar who is adept at entering buildings without being detected.
  • The police were on high alert after reports of a housebreaker operating in the neighborhood.

Cat got your tongue, Speechless

  • A question asked when someone is unexpectedly silent or at a loss for words.
  • Why are you so quiet? Speechless?

Cat nap, Quick nap

  • A short, light sleep.
  • I need a quick nap to recharge before the meeting.

Catch more flies with honey, Befriend more flies with molasses

  • To achieve more by being polite and pleasant rather than by being confrontational.
  • Instead of arguing with your coworkers, try befriending more flies with molasses; you might get better results.

Chicken out, Lose your nerve

  • To lose courage or back out of a situation due to fear.
  • He had planned to confront his boss about the unfair treatment, but he lost his nerve at the last minute.

Clam up, Go silent

  • To suddenly become quiet or stop talking, often due to nervousness or unwillingness to share information.
  • Whenever the topic of his past comes up, he tends to go silent.

Cold turkey, Abruptly

  • To quit or stop something abruptly and completely, especially referring to addictive behaviors.
  • After years of smoking, he decided to quit abruptly and never touched a cigarette again.

Crocodile tears, Fake tears

  • Insincere or false displays of emotion, especially crying.
  • She shed fake tears at the funeral, but everyone knew she never liked the deceased.

Cry over spilled milk, Cry over burned toast (PETA [1])

  • To worry or complain about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.
  • There’s no need to cry over burned toast; we can just make another batch.

Cry wolf, False alarm

  • To raise a false alarm or alert.
  • She’s always setting off a false alarm about her medical issues; nobody believes her anymore.

Curiosity killed the cat, Mind your own business (PETA [2])

  • Advising someone to avoid prying into matters that don’t concern them.
  • When she asked about my personal life, I told her to mind her own business.

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Dark horse, Underdog

  • Someone who is not expected to win but might do so unexpectedly.
  • Everyone thought she would lose the race, but she surprised everyone as the underdog.

Different kettle of fish, Different ballgame

  • A completely different situation or thing.
  • Studying for a test is a different ballgame compared to playing video games all day.

Dirty dog, Filthy foe

  • Someone who behaves dishonestly or unfairly.
  • He cheated on his girlfriend; what a filthy foe!

Dirty rat, Dirty Den

  • A dishonest or disloyal person.
  • I can’t believe he told my secret; what a dirty Den!

Dog and pony show, Over show

  • An elaborate presentation or event that is more style than substance.
  • The meeting was just an over show with no real decisions made.

Dog eat dog world, Cut-throat world (PETA [2])

  • A highly competitive and ruthless environment.
  • The business world can be a cut-throat world where only the strongest survive.

Dog’s dinner, Mess

  • Something that is poorly done or organized.
  • The project turned out to be a real joke; it was a mess from the start.

Dogfight, Free-for-all

  • A chaotic and intense conflict or competition.
  • The debate turned into a free-for-all with everyone talking over each other.

Dog’s life, Tough life

  • A difficult or unpleasant life.
  • After losing his job, he’s been living a tough life.

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch,

Don’t count your chips before they’re cashed (PETA [2])

  • Don’t make plans based on something that hasn’t happened yet.
  • I know you’re excited about the promotion, but don’t count your chips before they’re cashed.

Donkey years, Yonks

  • A very long time.
  • I haven’t seen her in yonks; it feels like forever.

Drink like a fish, Drink like a lord

  • To drink alcohol heavily.
  • He drank like a lord at the party last night.

Dropping like flies, Dropping like leaves in fall

  • To be diminishing rapidly in numbers.
  • With the flu going around, people are dropping like leaves in fall at the office.

Eat crow, Eat your words (PETA [2])

  • To admit that you were wrong.
  • After saying he’d never get married, he had to eat his words when he met his wife.

Eat like a pig, Stuff themselves silly

  • To eat a lot or eat messily.
  • He always stuffs himself silly at the buffet, taking more than he can eat.

Eager beaver, Well over

  • Someone who is very enthusiastic or eager to do something.
  • She’s always the first one to volunteer for extra work; she’s such well over.

Eagle eye, Sharp eye

  • Someone who has keen observation skills.
  • With her sharp eye, she noticed the tiny details others missed.

Elephant in the room, Can’t see it, right

  • A large and obvious problem that everyone is ignoring.
  • The tension between them was the obvious issue, but no one wanted to talk about it, like you can’t see it right.

Every dog has its day, Every dog has to play (PETA [2])

  • Everyone will have a moment of success or triumph at some point.
  • Don’t worry about Tom always winning; remember, every dog has to play.

Fat cat, Big wig

  • Someone who is wealthy and privileged.
  • The CEO lived like a big wig while his employees struggled to make ends meet.

Feather your nest, Save the trimmings

  • To accumulate wealth or save money for the future.
  • He worked hard to save the trimmings for retirement.

Fight like cats and dogs, Give out as one

  • To argue or fight with someone frequently.
  • They give out as one; I’ve never seen them agree on anything.

Fish for compliments, Seek compliments

  • To try to get someone to give you compliments.
  • Stop seeking compliments; you know you did a great job on the project.

Fish or cut bait, Hold or fold (PETA [2])

  • To make a decision or take action.
  • We need to decide if we’re going to invest in this project or move on; it’s time to hold or fold.

Fish out of water, Out your home zone

  • Someone who feels uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation.
  • At the formal dinner, he felt out of his home zone without knowing which fork to use.

Flew the coop, Left home

  • To leave home, especially to live independently for the first time.
  • After graduating, she left home and moved to the city for a job.

Flog a dead horse, Feed a fed horse

  • To continue pursuing something that is no longer viable or useful.
  • Trying to convince him to change his mind is like feeding a fed horse; it’s not going to work.

Fly in the ointment, Spanner in the works

  • An issue or complication that spoils a situation.
  • The lack of funding was the spanner in the works for the project’s success.

Fly on the wall, Hidden snapper

  • Someone who is present at an event or situation but not participating.
  • I felt like a hidden snapper during their argument; they didn’t even notice I was there.

Fox guarding the hen house, Vampire guarding the blood bank (PETA [2])

  • Allowing someone with a conflict of interest to oversee something.
  • It’s like having a vampire guard the blood bank; it just doesn’t make sense.

Free as a bird, Free as the wind

  • To feel unrestricted or liberated.
  • After finishing her exams, she felt as free as the wind.

Frog in your throat, Sore throat

  • The feeling of having difficulty speaking due to irritation or hoarseness in the throat.
  • She couldn’t sing properly with a sore throat.

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Get off your high horse, Come down off your pedestal (PETA[2])

  • To stop behaving arrogantly or self-importantly.
  • Stop acting like you’re better than everyone else; it’s time to come down off your pedestal.

Go to the dogs, Go to pot (PETA [2])

  • To decline or deteriorate in quality or reputation.
  • The neighborhood has really gone to pot since they built that highway.

Hold your horses, Cool your jets (PETA [2])

  • Hold the phone (PETA [1])
  • To wait or be patient.
  • Cool your jets; we’re not leaving until everyone is ready.

Horse of a different color, Different side of the coin

  • A completely different issue or matter.
  • Talking about budget cuts is one thing, but layoffs are a different side of the coin.

In the doghouse, In double trouble

  • To be in disfavor or trouble with someone.
  • After forgetting their anniversary, he was in double trouble with his wife.

Kangaroo court,  Court run by jesters

  • A court or tribunal characterized by unfair or biased proceedings.
  • The trial was a complete sham; it was like a court ran by jesters.

Kill two birds with one stone, Feed two birds with one scone (PETA [1])

  • To accomplish two tasks with a single action.
  • By going to the gym during lunch, she could feed two birds with one scone and exercise while saving time.

Lame duck, Lame dame

  • Someone or something that is powerless or ineffective, especially in a position of authority.
  • With only a month left in office, the president became a lame dame, unable to pass any significant legislation.

Let sleeping dogs lie, Let it lie

  • To avoid discussing or interfering with a situation that could cause problems if brought to light.
  • I know about the mistake, but let’s leave it lie and move forward.

Let the cat out of the bag, Spill the beans (PETA [1])

  • To reveal a secret or disclose information that was meant to be kept confidential.
  • Sarah accidentally spilled the beans  about the surprise party.

Like a duck to water, Born natural

  • To learn or adapt to something very easily and naturally.
  • She took to playing the piano like a born natural.

Lion’s share, Majority stake

  • The largest portion or share of something.
  • He received the majority stake of the credit for the project’s success.

Mad as a hornet, Raving mad

  • Extremely angry or furious.
  • When he found out about the broken window, he was raving mad.

Monkey business, Dodgy business

  • Deceptive or improper conduct, often in a secretive or mischievous manner.
  • I don’t want any dodgy business while I’m gone; behave yourselves.

Monkey see monkey do, Shadow copy

  • To mimic or copy something without understanding its purpose or significance.
  • The kids were just shadow copying, repeating everything their older siblings did.

More than one way to skin a cat, More than one way to peel a potato (PETA [1])

  • There are many different methods or approaches to achieve the same goal.
  • Don’t worry if your first idea doesn’t work; remember, there’s more than one way to peel a potato.

Night owl, Late Nighter

  • Someone who prefers to stay awake and be active during the night.
  • She’s always been a late nighter, staying up until the early hours of the morning.

Not my first rodeo, Not my first roadshow (PETA [2])

  • Used to indicate that one is experienced or familiar with a particular situation or activity.
  • Don’t worry about explaining the process to me; it’s not my first roadshow.

Off the hook, In the clear

  • To be released from responsibility or obligation.
  • I thought I had to work late, but my boss left me in the clear.

One-trick pony, One-trick magician

  • Someone or something with only one skill or talent.
  • He’s a one-trick magician; all he can do is pull a rabbit out of a hat.

On a wild goose chase, Out cashing rainbows (PETA [1])

  • Pursuing something that is unlikely to be found or achieved.
  • Searching for the lost keys turned out to be chasing rainbows; they were in the car the whole time.

Open a can of worms, Open Pandora’s box (PETA [1])

  • To create a complex or troublesome situation by taking action.
  • Bringing up the topic of religion at dinner opened Pandora’s box of arguments.

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Packed in like sardines, Subway rush hour tight

  • Packed in like pickles (PETA [1])
  • To be squeezed or crowded into a small space with little room to move.
  • The subway was so crowded; we were packed in like subway rush hour tight.

Parrot, Mimic

  • To repeat or imitate someone or something without understanding its meaning.
  • Don’t just mimic what I say; try to understand the concept.

Pecking order, Ranking

  • A system of social hierarchy or ranking.
  • In the workplace, there’s often a clear ranking based on seniority and experience.

Pig out, Stuffed Out

  • To eat too much, especially indulging in unhealthy or excessive amounts of food.
  • After the marathon, we stuffed out on pizza and ice cream.

Pigheaded, Hardheaded (PETA [2])

  • Stubborn or obstinate.
  • He’s too hardheaded to admit when he’s wrong.

Pony up, Pay up (PETA [2])

  • To provide or contribute money, often reluctantly or under pressure.
  • If you want to join us for dinner, you’ll have to pay up your share of the bill.

Pull a rabbit out of a hat, Pull a coin out of an ear (PETA [2])

  • To produce something unexpectedly or miraculously.
  • I don’t know how she did it, but she managed to pull a coin out of my ear.

Pull the wool over your eyes, Pull the polyester over your eyes (PETA [2])

  • To deceive or trick someone.
  • Don’t let him pull the polyester over your eyes; he’s not as innocent as he seems.

Pussyfoot around, Tread lightly

  • To be overly cautious or hesitant.
  • Stop treading lightly around the issue and just tell me what’s wrong.

Put all of your eggs in one basket, Put all your berries in one basket (PETA [1])

  • To invest or risk everything in a single venture or opportunity.
  • I wouldn’t put all your berries in one basket by investing solely in one stock.

Put lipstick on a pig, Gild the lily (PETA [2])

  • To try to make something appear better or more attractive than it really is.
  • No amount of fancy packaging can hide the fact that they’re trying to gild the lily with this product.

Put the cart before the horse, Put the caboose before the engine (PETA [2])

  • To do things in the wrong order or prioritize incorrectly.
  • We need to finish the design before we start thinking about marketing; otherwise, we’ll be putting the caboose before the engine.

Put the cat among the pigeons, Stirring the pot

  • To do or say something that creates chaos or controversy.
  • Bringing up the sensitive topic of politics at dinner certainly was stirring the pot.

Quiet as a mouse, Deadly Silent

  • Very quiet or making no noise at all.
  • The children were deadly silent while hiding during the game of hide-and-seek.

Rat out, Nark

  • To betray or inform on someone to authorities.
  • He threatened to nark his accomplice if he didn’t get a lighter sentence.

Rat race, Drag Race

  • A fiercely competitive and stressful environment, especially in the workplace.
  • She decided to leave the drag race and pursue a simpler, more fulfilling lifestyle.

Ruffle your feathers, Ruffle up your hair

  • To upset or annoy someone.
  • His comments about her presentation really ruffled up her hair.

Shoot fish in a barrel, Steal candy from a baby (PETA [2])

  • To do something that is very easy or requires minimal effort.
  • Selling umbrellas during a rainstorm is like stealing candy from a baby; everyone wants one.

Sitting duck, Easy target

  • Someone or something vulnerable to attack or criticism.
  • Without any security measures, the house was an easy target for burglars.

Slippery as an eel, Slippery Jim

  • Someone who is deceitful or evasive, making it difficult to predict their actions.
  • I wouldn’t trust him; he’s as slippery Jim when it comes to keeping promises.

Slow as a snail, Slow coach

  • Moving or progressing at a very sluggish or leisurely pace.
  • The line at the DMV was a slow coach; I felt like I was there forever.

Smell a rat, Smell a rotten apple (PETA [2])

  • To sense that something is wrong or suspicious.
  • When he arrived home to find the door open, he smelled a rotten apple and called the police.

Snake in the grass, Rotten fruit

  • Someone who pretends to be friendly or harmless but is actually treacherous or deceitful.
  • Watch out for him; he’s rotten fruit who can’t be trusted.

Snail mail, Shuffle mail

  • Traditional mail sent through the postal service.
  • I prefer email over shuffle mail; it’s much faster and more efficient.

Straight from the horse’s mouth, Directly from the source

  • Information received directly from the person or place involved.
  • I heard about the job offer directly from the source; the manager told me herself.

Stubborn as a mule, Stubborn as a fool (PETA [2])

  • Extremely obstinate or unwilling to change one’s mind.
  • He’s as stubborn as a fool; no matter what I say, he won’t listen.

Take the bull by the horns, Take the flower by the thorns (PETA [1])

  • To confront a difficult situation directly and with determination.
  • Instead of avoiding the problem, it’s time to take the flower by the thorns and deal with it.

Talk turkey, Talk Tofu (PETA [2])

  • To discuss something honestly and seriously.
  • Let’s sit down and talk Tofu about our budget for the trip.

That really gets my goat, That really gets my back up

  • Something that irritates or angers someone.
  • His constant humming really gets my back up when I’m trying to concentrate.

The early bird catches the worm, The early riser gets the flyer

  • Success comes to those who act promptly or arrive early.
  • If you want to get a good seat at the concert, you need to arrive early; the early riser gets the flyer.

The lion’s den, Danger zone

  • A challenging or risky situation, often involving confrontation or criticism.
  • Speaking up against the company’s policies felt like entering the danger zone.

The straw that broke the camel’s back,

The strawberry that broke the gardener’s basket

  • The last in a series of problems or difficulties that makes a situation unbearable.
  • After being late for the third time, it was the strawberry that broke the gardener’s basket, and I had to fire him.

The world is your oyster, The world is your stage

  • You have many opportunities available to you.
  • With your skills and qualifications, the world is your stage; you can choose any path you want.

To be a chicken, Clucking

  • To feel afraid or cowardly.
  • Don’t be clucking; just jump into the pool!

Ugly duckling, Closed rose

  • Someone or something that initially appears unattractive or unpromising but later develops into something beautiful or successful.
  • He was always the shortest kid in class, but now he’s a successful entrepreneur. He was the closed rose who turned into a swan.

Until the Cows Come Home, Until the end of time

  • For an extended or indefinite period.
  • You can wait until the end of time, but I’m not changing my mind.

Walking on eggshells, Walking on broken glass (PETA [1])

  • Being in a situation where extreme caution is required to avoid causing offense or triggering a negative reaction.
  • Ever since their argument, conversations with her have felt like walking on broken glass; I’m afraid to say anything that might upset her.

Weasel, Con man

  • Someone who is deceitful or cunning, especially in business or politics.
  • He’s always trying to cheat people out of their money; he’s nothing but a con man.

We were chomping at the bit, We nearly wetting ourselves

  • To be impatient or eager to do something.
  • We were nearly wetting ourselves to open our presents on Christmas morning.

When pigs fly, Never in a month of Sundays

  • Used to express disbelief or skepticism about something ever happening.
  • You’ll clean your room never in a month of Sundays; I’ve heard that promise before.

White elephant, Wallet weight

  • Something expensive to maintain or possess, but of little or no value or use.
  • That antique vase may look impressive, but it’s just a wallet weight taking up space.

Wild goose chase, Wild gooseberry chase (PETA [2])

  • A pointless or futile search or pursuit.
  • Trying to find the missing document in the cluttered office felt like a wild gooseberry chase.

Wolf in sheep’s clothing, Lazy Mazy in sports gear

  • Someone who appears harmless or friendly but is actually dangerous or deceitful.
  • Be careful with him; he’s a lazy Mazy in sports gear, pretending to be your friend.

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, You can’t teach an old clown new tricks

  • It’s difficult to teach someone new skills or habits, especially if they are set in their ways.
  • Grandma refuses to learn how to use a computer; I guess you can’t teach an old clown new tricks.

Zebra crossing, cross walk

  • A marked crossing on a road where pedestrians have the right of way.
  • Always look both ways before crossing the cross walk; safety comes first.

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Why Choose Animal-Friendly Idioms?

There is a fun side to using nice and friendly ways to expression yourself and it is important to try to use language that helps both communication and a good relationship between speakers. We should be kind to young and old people, to the environment and to the Earth’s creatures. 

There are many people that love animals to such as degree they make sacrifices in their live to be more animal-friendly such as vegans who do not eat or wear products made from animals, campaign against cruelty to animals such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and have beliefs against speciesism where some groups are treated differently, poorly and negatively.

Some of the old sayings may seem harmless but they are anti-animal. although we grew up hearing these, they make no sense and it is time to stop using some of these and replace outdated and cruel expressions with better phrases that younger people and students will love. 

Nobody supports violence toward animals so anti-animal language at best is not liked and at worse are phrases that trivialize cruelty to animals.

Lets cultivate positive relationships by learning and following fun idioms and common phrases that make us happy!

Questions & Answers

What are animal-friendly idioms and sayings?

These are a variety of animal idioms, sayings, and phrases, promoting kindness and compassion towards animals.

How can using animal idioms and sayings promote animal well-being?

By choosing kind, animal-friendly language, we can spread positivity and happiness while celebrating the beauty of the animal kingdom.

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